Soul of a Leader
SOAL 91: Illusion of Balance


In this episode, Angela Foster, a petite style coach, talks about the illusion of balance in fashion and emphasizes the importance of body positivity and dressing to enhance confidence. The conversation also explores the impact of attire on professionalism and the challenges faced by petite and curvy women in finding suitable clothing.

It’s not about a fruit salad. You’re not a fruit salad. Then it’s all just about using clothes as a tool to create the illusion of balance.

If you have three or four different brands that you just know are gonna work, think about how much easier that makes your life.

We laugh about it, the thing, but I always like put myself into their head and think, you know what, they, their entire college career, they were doing virtual. We know what happened to us and we knew how to dress for work. I mean, it was, and now we’re all a flutter going, what the heck do I wear?

Plan ahead and if we, we plan everything else. I mean, we run businesses, we run teams, we plan everything else out except what we’re gonna wear. And it’s gonna affect so much of how we feel. So plan ahead to avoid panic shopping.

We won’t anymore moving forward. We’re gonna avoid all of that. How much money you’re gonna save.

You’ll Learn

  • How body shape and personal preferences can guide fashion choices
  • The importance of comfort in feeling confident and owning our presence
  • Raising awareness about color choices and flattering accessories
  • Many women don’t receive enough compliments, leading to their discomfort in accepting them.
  • Expressing admiration for women’s appearance or personal style can positively impact their day.
  • The “Red Sneaker Effect” demonstrates how small changes in attire can make a significant impact on perception.
  • Body positivity and self-acceptance are essential in building confidence and influencing future generations.


With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia

Conversations with ordinary people, with extraordinary impact on strategies, success stories, spirituality and leadership.

With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia

Conversations with ordinary people, with extraordinary impact on strategies, success stories, spirituality and leadership.