
Featured Article in Waymaker Journal, Spring 2022

Talent Insights

There’s a lot of talk about being resilient these days. It’s not that surprising, everyone is dealing with a lot right now. For those of us that have been through a few recessions, we know that this too shall pass (you can spare me the OK Boomer eye roll). But even if you’ve been through one or two of these before (recessions, not global pandemics) – it doesn’t make it any easier in the moment.

So what do we do about this? I was on a podcast a few months ago talking about leadership during a crisis, and how to be resilient. We discussed the three P’s – positivity, perspective, and perseverance.

With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia

Conversations with ordinary people, with extraordinary impact on strategies, success stories, spirituality and leadership.

With Dr. Eileen & Dr. Alicia

Conversations with ordinary people, with extraordinary impact on strategies, success stories, spirituality and leadership.